Before the show
- Do some homework. Do you want to buy labradorite? Know what a good strand costs on average, get online and do research about what "quality" labradorite is and if there's anything you should keep an eye out for. It's always sad to us when someone brings in a strand of stones that they way over paid for.
- Know what a good deal is on something. Just because a vendor is going to give you a "better price" than what is on the tag, it still could be too much.
- If you can, register online and fill registration forms for the shows prior to arrival to save you some time.
- Make a few copies of your resale license (tax ID) if you're buying wholesale. Some vendors will need it.
- Make a budget! Plan to stick to it! Take cash if you need, once you're out of cash, that's it. Do not go to the ATM once you've spent it.
- Plan a little extra "just in case" - you might see something you never planned on. :)
- Call your bank and let them know that you're going to a bead show, even if it's in town. The vendors at the show are going to be from all over the world, their credit card machines will process your transaction from their business address; at the Tucson show my card got ran through Texas, California, and New York in an hour, my bank was very unhappy.
- Bring a notebook. This is helpful to take notes as you make your way through the show. I also keep notes of every purchase I make and tally it throughout the day.
- Bring a check book and cash. Some vendors don't take credit cards (crazy, I know.)
- Wear comfortable shoes and bring snacks.
- Bring hand sanitizer, sometimes beads are super dirty. I also pack lotion.
- Take a black sharpie marker. I take notes about my purchases right on the bag - what kind of stones they are, how much I paid, etc.
- Once you're in walk around the whole show before start buying. Check prices, make notes in your notebook, write down the booth number, and then go back and shop later. You will find that some vendors are selling similar merchandise – find the best quality merchandise for the best price you can afford.
- If you fall in LOVE with something, buy it. You may never see it again.
- Take a break. Stop, have a seat, and a snack every few hours.
- Keep the vendor's business cards with what you bought from them. If you're not buying from them, but you like what they have and you want to purchase from them later, here's my trick - I put their business card on the beads I like and take a picture of it with my cell phone. It helps jog my memory later.
- Make sure that what you paid for is in the bag, just in case. Sometimes things get hectic, you want to make sure you have everything.
- Before you leave the booth, make notes on the bag. How much did you pay for each strand? What type of stones are they? Where were they mined? Anything else you think you might need to know for later.
- put all of your cards and notes in a place where you'll remember where they are so you can reference them later if you need.
Kody suggests - Bring a sidekick!
Deanna says - Walk the floor before buying - otherwise your budget (and you must make a shopping plan) will go bust before you are down the first aisle.
Mary recommends - Just like gambling, bring just the amount of cash you are allowing yourself to spend. Do not bring a credit card. If there is something more you need, make arrangement with the seller to get it later by mail. Or - leave your card with someone else, or in a place that you have to work to get to, like locked in a friend's car or room. It's very easy to break the bank on all those wonderful things.
Sahari talks about budgeting too - I would have to set a spending limit and then take only that amount with me. And peruse the whole place first if you can and then make your selections.
Kate says - Wear sensible shoes and don't buy anything until you've done the grand tour. I also have a budget and stick to it!
Karen knows her stuff - Check out all the booths before you buy. But there's one exception. If you see something that is the most amazing, one of a kind thing ever, buy it immediately, or the next person will.
Carleen agrees with everyone and adds - The only thing I would add (and always forget) is to bring pics of projects you have in the works that are "missing that last piece" or bring mini baggies with sample beads from a project to match new finds too
JonAnn has an organization tip too - Take a notepad and ziplock bags. As you buy put the purchase and the vendor card in the bag with the receipt.
Lori says - Bring smaller bills, vendors appreciate getting near exact change.
Gayley wraps it up with this helpful tip - bring a xanax!