A girlfriend of mine did the first chalk sign, and we kept it up for about four weeks. However, yesterday I decided that I should change it. It still read "NOW OPEN". We're still open, but it seems less exciting now.

I spend roughly an hour redesigning the sign, trying to get things straight, and make them legible... and finally! It looks good. I put it outside... and it starts POURING rain. The universe does not approve of my new sign apparently. Mid-sentence in speaking to a new store friend (aka - a customer) I realize it's raining and RUN outside in attempt to rescue my new sign. It doesn't really work, my chalk is running and it kind of looks like crap.
I didn't feel like redoing the sign today, so I just toss the dammed thing back outside.
A couple who is taking a motor home tour of the states comes in, buys some goods, yay goods, and when they leave I see them outside... doing what? None other than taking their pictures with my sign to commemorate their trip... I wish I would have redone it this morning. :( It's so awesome to be part of their trip though, something they're going to talk about and enjoy and share with their friends and family. YAY!
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